Saturday 12 February 2011

Evaluation: How did you attract/address your audience?

How did I address my audience?

In my school magazine I used age appropriate language to inform and entertain my young audience. I carried this technique through to my music magazine but adapted it to be 'interest' appropriate language.
The type of mode of address I used was a direct and informal tone in order to make the audience feel comfortable with the magazine and want to read on. Also, to entice my target audience I used concise language so that they could get the jist of the information without having to read lots of text.

How did I attract my audience?

School magazine -  To attract the target audience in my preliminary task I used models their age from a year 3 class; colours they are familiar with via their school logo such as the primary colours red and yellow and basic yet fun and enticing text.

Now that I had gained a more developed and advanced knowledge about how to attract a magazine audience I applied this to my music magazine coursework piece.

Music magazine - I used a female band as the main feature in order to attract both a male and female audience in response to one of the requests on my questionnaire (see Research and Planning: Magazine Questionnaire). Then on the contents page I included images of both genders to advertise featuring articles about various bands. Also, the colour scheme and house style of black and white, with red and yellow as my feature colours, enticed my 'rock' genre audience.

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