Thursday 3 March 2011

Evaluation: Music magazine questionnaire feedback and analysis

Below is a copy of the music magazine questionnaire that I produced and distributed:

I distributed 15 copies of this questionnaire to people within my target audience, 8 to females and 7 to males. Shown below is an example of a person's response and the feedback they gave.

I then analysed the data from all of the feedback from the questionnaires and came up with the following findings.

As shown above, out of the 15 questionnaires distributed 13 said the magazine does appeal to them and 2 said it doesn't. The 2 that said the magazine doesn't appeal to them were both male and their reasoning for this was that they prefer the iconic male prominence within rock music magazines and so would have preferred a male artist to feature as the main article. Such as in the Kerrang magazine example shown below.

All the artists that feature on this front cover are male bar the lure for the poster of 'The Pretty Reckless' inside the magazine.

Other comments about my music magazine

"looks very professional"

"striking and effective colours!"

"I love it, but perhaps include a free CD give away?"

"At last, more than a token female on the front."

"Needs more pages, I want to read on..."

1 comment:

  1. Happy and grateful!Nicely written. I love succinct posts that actually impart usable information.
    Feedback Questionnaire
